So, I embarked on what I thought was the next best thing. I went to the library and got stacks of books about being a Christian, daily devotionals, and various guides to Christian living.
I was making my way through some of the books when I hit the jackpot: I found a whole cable TV channel (we had cable TV back then) full of nothing but Christian preaching!
This was so exciting! Dynamic and personable preachers, male and female, gave stirring, interesting and even gripping sermons. It was wonderful.
Wow! Being a Christian was going to be even better than I thought. Not only was I going to live eternally with Jesus but even here on earth I was guaranteed freedom from sickness, poverty and unhappiness.
What a relief it was to know that just by meditating on certain Bible verses, training my mind to never FEEL afraid or sick and giving freely of my money for the advancement of God's kingdom, I would live a victorious Christian life.
I started listening to audio sermons and reading books by the engaging preachers I was watching on TV.
Uh-oh. A few problems started creeping up. First of all, my methods were not working. I still got sick sometimes, our financial situation actually worsened and I was very frustrated with my inability to make the whole "Christian thing" work properly for me.
Secondly, I started to feel uncomfortable with my role in my new Christian life. How was it any different from the New Age beliefs and self-help practices I felt God had rescued me from when I turned to him and gave my life to him? I kept wrestling with "If God is in charge, what is my role in all of this?" Finally, one morning on getting into the shower, I begged God to show me if he was supposed to be in control or if I was to take charge.
The Lord answered my prayer by leading me to go and buy a Bible.
I started a reading the Bible.
I was shocked by what I found in the Bible.
What is this? Great men of God like Paul and Stephen suffered tremendously here on earth in very real and physical ways even to the death? Jesus himself was poor? God poured out his blessings on this guy named Job even after he allowed to him suffer? God says that not only does he control the wind and the rain but everything that we say and do? Jesus said that no one can come to him unless the Father draw him?
I was so confused. I needed answers. I went back to the websites and books of the preachers I had come to know and love to try to resolve my crisis.
The facts I learned were very interesting. Job was afflicted because he allowed himself to fear. John the Baptist was beheaded because he did not fully believe in Jesus. Jesus was not poor. God did remove the thorn in Paul's side but most traditional Christians just misinterpret that part of Scripture.
Then a most amazing thing happened. Peace. All my confusion was most suddenly lifted. I had been deceived and God's word is what convinced me of this and convicted me of my sin of rushing headlong into a convenient Christianity.
How I praise God for the power of his Word, the Bible, and his graciousness to rescue me from false teachings and open my eyes to truth.
What a blessed Lord I serve!
Now you understand my burden to help other moms find the Truth for themselves. My prayer is that Moms who are well-versed in biblical Truth may serve as beacons of truth and light for all moms.
I feel blessed that God has entrusted me with part of this task.
Won't you join me?
Please leave comments about what God has done and is doing in your life.

1 comment:
Excellent testimony. I will post this tomorrow on my blog to encourage others
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