All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16,17 (ESV)
The NIV translation leaves out the word "competent" in it's rendering of this verse. Most other versions I read, including the ESV, NASB, HCSB and KJV include another word in front of equipped that implies "competent".
The word competent, as seen here in the ESV rendering, is from the Greek hikanos.
According the Stong's Greek dictionary, the word hikanos means:
competent (as if coming in season), i.e. ample (in amount) or fit (in character)Let us take a look at the parts of this meaning and get excited about what God's word can do for us!
Coming in season-
I am immediately reminded of our pastor speaking this past Sunday about Queen Esther. She was called by God to save her people, God's covenant people from whom our Lord and Savior would arise, by being made the queen at such a time as that. We too, are called by God to be at this place, at this time, in this marriage and with these children. Studying God's word will make us competent and right in season.
Ample in amount-
Do you have enough? Do you have enough energy, patience, kindness, generosity and wisdom to get through each day? I know that many days I feel I do not. How can I get enough? How can I be amply supplied? Drinking deeply from the well of God's word is the answer.
Fit in character-
Is my character one to be proud of at all times? Do I act like Jesus in all circumstances? Does my character exhibit the fruit of the Spirit? Do I have a pure heart and act from a pure heart all day? If I can not answer yes to these questions, I know I need to go back to God's word, the source of all competence.
I have spent a fair amount of time and energy seeking to be competent on my own. Books on parenting, marriage, housekeeping and cooking have occupied by attention for years on end.
Yes, I can learn the mechanics of doing all that God has called me to do as a wife, mother and homemaker. Without the word of God, however, I can never reach the full level of competence at a heart level that I need to be pleasing to God.
Lord, I pray that you would humble me and keep me dependent on only you and your lovely word for my truest source of competence.
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