1. Instruction. We are to learn godliness and holiness through our careful review and dedication to study the holy Scripture.
2.Encouragement. We are to look to the Scriptures to see God's promises, gods faithfulness and God's power to be given hope to persevere.
We have hope! You and I, and all moms in Christ, we have hope. We will experience failures, setbacks and disgrace but we have hope. Our wonderful God, Lord and Savior has not left us stumbling in the dark. He has given us his word. Through his word, he teaches and encourages us.
How very grateful I am to serve such a loving, merciful God!
I am definitely not where I would like to be in my quest to imitate Jesus Christ. Should I just give up and get discouraged?
No! I need to keep learning and looking to God's word to keep me going to the end of my race.
Not only does God give me the instruction that I need but he also provides everything else that I need to run the race with endurance and never give up on pursuing what is right through the grace and sacrifice of Christ.
Paul includes in Chapter 15 at verse 13 a prayer that I would like to leave with all of my readers and listeners today:
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

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